Friday, December 28, 2007

Scrappleface IV

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney today continued to defend his statement that he “saw” his father “march with Martin Luther King” as a figurative expression meaning George Romney supported the civil rights movement. The former Massachussetts governor added, “I also saw my Dad step off the ladder of the lunar module to make the first human footprint on the moon.”

Of course, the younger Romney said, “that means Dad was supportive of the Apollo space program.”

“In 1968, I saw my father beat Richard Nixon in a landslide,” he said, “in the sense that he was a better man than Nixon, and in my mind’s eye, I saw him in the Oval Office for eight of the best years in American history.”

The Romney campaign denounced accusations that the candidate had perhaps mistaken his father for Forrest Gump, a mythical character who managed to appear in highly-visible places at pivotal points in U.S. history.

Rival Mike Huckabee, who continues to campaign despite the Hollywood comedy writers’ strike, noted dryly, “I saw George Romney drinking a piña collada at Trader Vic’s. His hair was perfect.”

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