Monday, December 17, 2007

Scrappleface III

Scrappleface has a little fun with endorsements:

Newspapers, Telegraph Firm Endorse Prez Candidates

Senators John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton this week picked up endorsements from the Des Moines Register and Boston Globe newspapers, as well as backing from the Western Union Telegraph Company and Wells Fargo Stage Coach.

The candidates hope these influential political endorsements boost them to victory in Iowa and New Hampshire, even as they continue to work behind the scenes to secure public backing from buggy whip manufacturers, castor oil makers, horseless carriage firms and the major daguerreotype photo services.

The excitement was palpable at Hillary ‘08 headquarters in Des Moines, when a young volunteer rushed into the room, a small yellow paper in her trembling hands. All commotion ceased as the tearful but smiling college student read the telegram: “Western Union backing Hillary. Stop. Fame trumps vision. Stop. See you in Oval Office. Stop.”

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