Sunday, December 16, 2007

Let's Give 'Um a State

Hamas shows its commitment to the peace process:

“The IDF’s withdrawal from Gaza will be nothing like its invasion, the Strip will become a graveyard for its troops,” Hamas legislator Mushir al-Masri warned Saturday in a chilling opening address at a huge Gaza City rally marking the 20th anniversary of Hamas’s establishment.

“Jews ... we have already dug your graves,” exclaimed Masri.

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh assured the crowd that Hamas and the Palestinians would not recognize Israel

“Whoever insists on not recognizing Israel, clings to Allah and doesn’t surrender in the face of the Israeli and US blockade, his popularity grows despite American hostility,” said Haniyeh. “As long as the Israeli oppression grows, so will his popularity.”
Bottom line: If Israel were willing to lose the public relations war (which it has in most parts of the world) and it's American ally, Hamas would be gone. Period. So when Hamas leaders start with this "graveyard for your troops" and we've "dug your graves" it reminds me of the armless, legless Black Knight as he takes on King Arthur - "Oh, oh, I see, running away then. You yellow bastards! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!"

The Palestinians are alive because Israel has chosen not to wipe them off the map, although at times it must have been a close call. If the United States were in Israel's position, the Palestinians would be gone. It's always seemed a bit hypocritical of us to condemn Israel for defending itself under the circumstances.

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