Saturday, September 22, 2007

Republicans Attack Again

Here's the Mapes article that Tim Blair was referring to:

What was different in our case was the brand new and bruising power of the conservative blogosphere, particularly the extremists among them. They formed a tightly knit community of keyboard assault artists who saw themselves as avenging angels of the right, determined to root out and decimate anything they believed to be disruptive to their worldview.

To them, the fact that the president wimped out on his National Guard duty during the Vietnam War -- and then covered it up -- was no big deal. Our having the temerity to say it on national TV was unforgivable and we had to be destroyed. They organized, with the help of longtime well-connected Republican activists, and began their assault.
It must be difficult for democrats always being out manuevered by the vast right-wing conspiracy. Just when they think they have us figured out, we morph and attack from another angle. Kinda makes you question the conclusions of that NYU study, doesn't it?

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