Wednesday, September 12, 2007

China's Biggest Threat is China

I don't agree with this:

China's public security minister, Zhou Yongkang, called terrorism "the biggest threat" to next year's Beijing Olympics, state media reported. "Although the general security situation for the Beijing Olympics remains stable, we still face the challenges of terrorism, separatism and extremism," said Zhou. "Terrorism, in particular, poses the biggest threat."
As you may have noticed, China is not caught up in being politically correct or in casual niceties. I suspect it will cooperate with Western countries (to the extent Western countries have their acts together to provide assistance) in determining potential threats and I suspect that China will not think twice about denying visas. Given that China is in bed with any Middle Eastern dictator thug with oil, I bet you won't hear a peep about this from Iran, Kuwait or any African countries. They need China.

On the other hand, China has to worry about Beijing's response to anything it doesn't anticipate. This includes media issues, demonstrators, Western criticism, environmental issues and the like. That is where the real threat exists. I'm not sure Beijing realizes it.

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