Saturday, September 22, 2007

And I Apologize Again to [Fill in Blank]

This guy just can't flog himself enough. Now he is apologizing to the Chinese because the Chinese sold him crappy toys. How does that work?

U.S.-based toy giant Mattel issued an extraordinary apology to China on Friday over the recall of Chinese-made toys, taking the blame for design flaws and saying it had recalled more lead-tainted toys than justified.
Is this guy French?

The gesture by Thomas A. Debrowski, Mattel's executive vice president for worldwide operations, came in a meeting with Chinese product safety chief Li Changjiang, at which Li upbraided the company for maintaining weak safety controls. "Our reputation has been damaged lately by these recalls," Debrowski told Li in a meeting at Li's office at which reporters were allowed to be present. "And Mattel takes full responsibility for these recalls and apologizes personally to you, the Chinese people, and all of our customers who received the toys," Debrowski said.
Is he going to apologize to Mr. Li for the rape of Nanking too? Mr. Debrowski's obligation is the the American public, and to whomever else Mattel sells this stuff. I'd be asking Mr. Li for an apology and do my best to grow some balls while I wait for his response.

Li reminded Debrowski that "a large part of your annual profit ... comes from your factories in China. "This shows that our cooperation is in the interests of Mattel, and both parties should value our cooperation. I really hope that Mattel can learn lessons and gain experience from these incidents," Li said, adding that Mattel should "improve their control measures."
Can you even imagine the self restraint that Mr. Debrowski must have exercised while getting this lecture from Mr. Li? How about this: Mr. Li, let me remind you that Mattel single handedly keeps 15 of your crappiest, dingiest, poorest cities afloat so that you and your buddies in Beijing don't have a mass riot by a hundred thousand or so hungry peasants. And while we're at it, can you imagine the revenues your government would be receiving if those factories paid their taxes like the western companies in China do? So for the record, the next time I hear you open your mouth about our standards, we will move our standards to Vietnam along with our money. Just a thought.

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