Monday, September 17, 2007

Immigration: Round II

I think Republicans have it right this time on immigration. During the last round, both sides took positions that were at odds with the vast majority of Americans.

Three months after Congress failed to pass a broad immigration overhaul, lawmakers are quietly returning to the hot-button issue, discussing narrower measures that address illegal immigrants and low-skilled laborers.

Already, critics are promising fireworks.

As early as this week, Democratic senators are set to introduce an amendment that would give conditional legal status to young illegal immigrants.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) hopes to bring up a visa program that eventually would allow farmhands to gain citizenship, whereas Republican senators are discussing a short-term guest worker program for low-skilled laborers.

Republicans also are considering a bill that would overhaul visas for high-skilled foreigners.
If you are going to start passing out citizenship liberally, why wouldn't you start with the best and the brightest from other cultures: China, India, Europe, or at least consider those in search of political asylum.

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