Saturday, September 22, 2007

An Overachiever - That's Me

There has been much rumbling from old college friends recently about the state of affairs with our alma mater. It seems the school has run low on funds and is seeking a face lift. Part of that lift is to lighten the art gallery's load by about half.

My university ranked particularly high in two areas: the cafeteria and the art collection. I'm not sure why they didn't sell off the cafeteria first; I always thought that rank was a bit undeserved. But it seems they could do better by starting with the art collection.

My high school (which was also my middle and primary school) closed the year after I graduated. It now services 3-year old kindergarten through 8th grade. At this rate, the university were I obtained my graduate degree should be closing its doors within the next three years.

It's going to be much more difficult to complete my resume. Or perhaps not. Perhaps my GPA just went from a 2.27 to a 3.95, and I was president of the student body my senior year. Between my role as student body president, sir, and the two graduate level courses I was asked to teach my junior year, I don't know how I found time to work as a consultant to Bill Bennett's CFO.

I need to take the glass half full approach and use this as an opportunity to "spruce up" my credentials.

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