Thursday, August 23, 2007

What is Lateral Thinking?

You've probably been wondering . . . Well, for US $550, you can attend a seminar to find out.

Red Carpet presents
UpClose with Edward de Bono

Beijing, Monday, September 17, 2007, 10am to 3pm
The Kerry Centre Hotel

Shanghai, Thursday, September 20, 2007, 10am to 3pm
Le Royal Meridien

The man named by leading business journals as one of the 20 visionaries alive today and the pioneer of the concept of Lateral Thinking, Dr. Edward de Bono, will present his ground breaking, interactive one day seminar on creative thinking to the business communities of Beijing on 17 September 2007 and Shanghai on 20 September 2007.
Who is Dr. Edward de Bono? Embarrassed as I am to admit it, I wasn't certain either. Turns out he is:

Dr. de Bono has been teaching his creative thinking techniques worldwide to CEOs and senior executives of major corporations for more than 30 years, including IBM, Du Pont, Prudential, British Airways, NTT (Japan), Ericsson and Siemens.
Someone who appears to have a "light" resume, despite the fact he's been able to sucker large corporations into paying his way. But he writes a lot of books.

What can I hope to get for my US $550??

*think your way to a better future for yourself and your organisation
*gain a clear understanding of the logic of concept change and creative thinking
*learn creative attitudes
*master the use of powerful tools and techniques
This is a program only an HR person could love.

I want a seminar to:

*help me double my income in 2 years
*teach my dog to go to the bathroom outside
*teach me to rearrange the letters of my last name so that they spell "Walton"
*teach me to politely address flagrant dress code violations in the office

I'd pay US $550 for that.

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