Friday, July 6, 2007

Safety with Chinese Characteristics

In our building there is a large atrium which spans four floors. On the atrium side of the railing on each floor there are assorted plants which must routinely be watered by the staff. To reach these plants, a frail Chinese man must climb over the railing onto the planting boxes. There is no railing protecting him from the marble floor 4 stories down.

Our building management is all over the safety thing however. The frail Chinese man wears a rope around his waist which is tied to the waist of another frail Chinese man on the other side of the railing. This ensures that if the man watering the plants slips and falls, he will undoubtedly take with him his anchor on the other side. I can't figure out how to take a picture of this without offending the two gentlemen with a death sentence.

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