Hitchens Weighs in on the Pace University Incident
A great article by Christopher Hitchens on the West's reluctance to take on Islam.
The Pace University incident becomes even more ludicrous and sinister when it is recalled that Islamists are the current leaders in the global book-burning competition. After the rumor of a Quran down the toilet in Guantanamo was irresponsibly spread, a mob in Afghanistan burned down an ancient library that (as President Hamid Karzai pointed out dryly) contained several ancient copies of the same book. Not content with igniting copies of The Satanic Verses, Islamist lynch parties demanded the burning of its author as well. Many distinguished authors, Muslim and non-Muslim, are dead or in hiding because of the words they have put on pages concerning the unbelievable claims of Islam. And it is to appease such a spirit of persecution and intolerance that a student in New York City has been arrested for an expression, however vulgar, of an opinion.Amen sister. Does the multi-culti group really believe the nonsense they spout about appreciating other people's cultural heritage and roots and understanding that Amerika's foreign policy is to blame for all the hatred and strife, blah, blah, blah.
This has to stop, and it has to stop right now.
Hitchens sums it up nicely.
[T]he advocates and apologists of bigotry and censorship and suicide-assassination cannot be permitted to take shelter any longer under the umbrella of a pluralism that they openly seek to destroy.
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