Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Nothing Says Love Like LV

Pets in pirated Louis Vutton and Burberry. I see it all the time and if I had my druthers, I'd never see those designer labels again. Diapers, underwear, hats, swimsuits. Burberry is the Chinese national fabric just as plaids represent Ireland.

Chengdu resident Zhu Xiaozhu loves her dogs so much she has tailored clothes for them to match her own wardrobe.

When not running the family business with her husband, the 27-year-old also decks out her beloved companions in jewelry.

Zhu started making the clothes for her dogs last year and now even has a shop to cater to other owners who want to do the same.

Ninety percent of her customers are from outside Chengdu.
Most Chinese have smaller dogs for obvious reasons and most have their dogs clothed in some fashion. Some have their dogs hair dyed in colors that range from pink to brown. It's a mystery.

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