Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hillary's Followers

Here's the kiss of death for Hillary. In a statement clearly crafted by Hillary's campaign team (see Streisand's own commentary for comparison), she croons:

Barbra Streisand, who hedged her bets months ago with donations to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards, has settled on one presidential candidate.
It's Hillary.

"Madame President of the United States ... it's an extraordinary thought. We truly are in a momentous time, where a woman's potential has no limitations," Streisand said in a statement released Tuesday by the Clinton campaign. "Hillary Clinton has already proven to a generation of women that there are no limits for success."
She hasn't succeeded yet.

The Oscar-winning actress and singer is a FOB—Friend of Bill Clinton—and the endorsement is hardly surprising. In Hollywood, as in politics, timing is everything, and Streisand's endorsement comes one day after another entertainment superstar, Oprah Winfrey, announced she would campaign for Clinton rival Barack Obama.

"Hillary is a powerful voice for change as we find our country at an important crossroads. Under her leadership, our country will regain its respect within the global community. She will prioritize issues of global climate change, universal health care and rebuilding a strong economy. After eight long years, the public will once again have faith in their government," said Streisand, a longtime supporter of Democratic candidates.
Part of the fear is that Hillary will do just that: prioritize issues of global climate change, universal health care and tampering with the economy. Global climate change is a waste of time, universal health care will bankrupt our economy, and I'd rather hope she'd keep her grubby little hands off the economy.

In the statement, Hillary Clinton said she was honored for the support.

"Barbra has used her immense talent to be an advocate for truth, justice, and fairness and I deeply appreciate her confidence in my candidacy as we work together to change the direction of our nation," Clinton said.
I'd love to see the dynamic between these two women. Clinton is about as sharp as they come. Barbra is the polar opposite under the unfortunate impression that they are intellectual equals. I'm sure Barbra would love to sleep with Bill too, if she hasn't already.

So here is Hillary having to talk down to this imbecile who wants Bill, so that she can get money and support. G_d, I couldn't do it.

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