How about this load of garbage posted on LGF:
Islamophobia gathered pace in the West with the end of the Cold War, long before the September 11, 2001 attacks against the US, participants at a two-day OSCE conference that began in Spain Tuesday said.
Well people weren't real happy when Iran took Americans hostage in the '70s, but it wasn't Islamophobia. I think the prevailing thought was that the Arabs were running around on a bunch of camels without electricity. Unfortunately, Islamic fundamentalism hasn't done a great deal to change that view.
“After the end of the Cold War, certain people took Muslims and Islam to be the new scapegoat and enemy,” Mustapha Cherif, an expert on Islam at the University of Algiers, told AFP on the sidelines of the gathering. “But after the senseless act of September 11, this has been amplified,” added Cherif, who is known for his commitment to battling religious hatred.
Islam didn't clearly define itself as the enemy until 9/11. And I'd say there are some pretty good reasons for that.
Delegations from the 56 nations that make up the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) are taking part in the conference in the southern Spanish city of Cordoba on the topic of intolerance toward Muslims.
Only a room full of liberals could possibly be worried about intolerance of Muslims in Western countries, while Muslims slice the heads off of Christians in Muslim countries, or stone them to death.
Spain currently holds the rotating presidency of the OSCE, which promotes human rights, democracy and conflict prevention in Europe, North America and Central Asia.
Arab League Secretary-General Amr Mussa told the gathering that after the end of the Cold War, “conservative extremists in certain Western circles” needed to find a new enemy. “We can’t live in stability and security if some are perceived as first class citizens and others second class citizens. This has to disappear,” he added.
As one of the folks he would definitely label a conservative extremist (I would label myself a conservative and leave it at that), I can assure you there is nothing more most Americans would like that a few years of peace. Unfortunately, France et al don't maintain armies, or at least effective ones, and they prefer to be conquered rather than fight, so we have to step up to the plate and take care of things. We don't like to get involved in skirmishes, in fact we held out so long in WWII that the French were learning how to make bratwurst and the Brits were on their last leg.
Studies by the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia have found anti-Muslim behaviour and attitudes have risen since 2001, said Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos.
To the surprise no doubt of everyone in the room.
We are a simple lot: don't go after us and don't go after our friends (France, you are on your own having been removed from the friend list some time ago. Have fun with those Algerians in the Paris burbs).