Your Tax Dollars At Work
This blog is supposed to focus on China, but I'm wondering if my country has gone nuts. I just read this article by the AP on gay and lesbian inmates being granted conjugal visits. I have no problem giving gays and lesbians the same treatment as heterosexuals in just about any context, particularly in this one. But what the heck are they doing giving heterosexual prisoners conjugal visits? It is PRISON. You are supposed to do without a few things in PRISON. It isn't supposed to be fun.
I miss the days when prisoners had to move boulders from one side of the canyon to the other and back. This whole idea that it is somehow going to make it easier for prisoners to blend back into society if the State pays to operate a brothel is a stretch I'm not willing to make. Give them something to look forward to when they get out: here is your job at the waste disposal plant, AND you get to have sex with anyone you want. Merry Christmas.
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